Website SEO is one of the most important and yet most often overlooked parts of a website.
SEO strategy can be overwhelming.
In this post, we’re going to break down SEO and some website tips to help make the process easier!
What is SEO? (for all who don’t know yet)
SEO – “Search Engine Optimization” means website optimization for search engines like Google.
Google must index your website to then rank it among its hits.
Why is SEO important?
The answer is quite simple: that potential visitors can find your website on Google.
And this can lead to growing business (e.g. more sales, more visits on a physical location – stores, bakery, bars…).
In short… SEO is crucial.
Types of SEO:
There are two types of SEO, both are essential for good website optimization:
“ON-page SEO” – This is optimization on your website – from content, images, graphics, URLs, quality written code, user-friendly page…
“OFF-page SEO” – This is everything related to SEO, but is not part of your website (eg quality backlinks – external links to your website).
The fixes below focus on ON-page SEO (which is under 100% of your control).
3 quick fixes you can do now
1 | Keyword, metadata
Include metadata on the website: title, description, keywords…
Ideally, you should use keywords and descriptions customized for a specific page.
If you don’t know how to choose the most relevant keywords, you can check out the free online keyword course: How to Choose Keywords
2 | The right way to use tags (eg for titles h1, h2)
HTML tags define the format of your text. Eg. The <h1>, <h2>, <h3> tags define the 3 largest titles, the <p> tag defines a paragraph…
You should always use the right tags for your content: for the title use h1, h2, etc. for paragraphs p and of course all other tags. Don’t use e.g. title tags if it’s not a title and you just want the look of the title – in this case, format the text manually (e.g. bold and large).
The search engine and the visitor will so quickly distinguish between the title, content, and importance of each part…
A common mistake: each page should have only one main title: <h1> not multiple ones.
3 | Photo naming and optimization
Before uploading a photo to the website, you should rename and optimize it.
Instead of IMG_001.jpg use a logical name that has a meaning associated with the image. Ideally, you should use the keyword from 1 in your photo name.
Add a title, alternate text, and as many other attributes as possible to the metadata on the webpage.
Google does not know how to “read” photos (for example, if you put a caption on a photo, Google doesn’t know how to read it, for Google it is just a photo), but it can read the metadata that the photo has.
The images should be the right size (not too big) and should not exceed 1MB unless it is really necessary. You can use e.g. JPEG mini or ImageOptim (before uploading them to a web page).
Bonus: add a link to your website on social media bio, e-mail signature, on a physical business card, share a link to your website if you are a podcast guest…
And this is not all! I have something new for you – SEO starter: a series of mini webinars that will help you better understand SEO. You can register for FREE here 👉 SEO starter
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